No job is so important, and no client request is so urgent that we cannot take time to perform our work safely.

Preventing accidents and injuries to RAB., Inc. employees, client employees, other contractors, subcontractors, and the general public is the first consideration in the operation of our business.


No phase of our operations or administration is of greater importance than accident prevention. No job is so important, and no client request is so urgent that we cannot take time to perform our work safely.


Our Safety Policy Is as Follows:

  • Furnish workplaces free from recognized hazards likely to cause death, injury, or illness.
  • Comply fully with all laws regulating employee safety and health.
  • Recognize the priority of safety and health factors where there may be competition with economic factors.
  • Provide professional staff to support safety and health programs.
  • Hold every level of management accountable for the safety performance of their activity and regularly measure their achievement in controlling accidents and injuries.
  • Provide safety training for employees and require that they apply safety policies and procedures diligently and consistently.
  • Monitor progress toward a safer and healthier workplace environment regularly.

The elimination of accidents is a total corporation commitment shared by every RAB., Inc. team member. Contact us today to learn more about our safety policies in West Monroe, LA.

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RAB Inc. Safety
RAB, Inc.

Industries Served:



Pulp and Paper




Power Generation

Petro Chemical






Food and Beverage


Lime Sludge

Rab, Inc. serves a diverse client base that spans over 80 companies across a multitude of industries at more than 120 site locations throughout the continental United States.